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Resurrect A Friend Wow

Resurrect A Friend Wow

I looked up ‘Resurrect A Friend’ online, and read that it has been discontinued. Is That Correct?

To resurrect (res or rez) is to bring a dead character back to life. Any player may resurrect themselves by running back to their corpse as a ghost from a graveyard. Spirit Healers, who are always available at a graveyard, can resurrect a player with a penalty of increased durability loss and resurrection sickness. I got the brush off from the GM “Valulaeisha” after inquiring about the current state of recruit a friend, who told me to take my inquiry/ complaint.

Resurrect A Friend Wow

Wow Scroll Of Resurrection 2018

My Question is: I am wondering if you can use ‘Recruit A Friend’ in the same way to bring back a friend who has been gone for a couple of years, by re-recruiting them, due to a long absence. If not, are there any specials that entice old players to begin playing again and get them back into the game. (Although, I think getting all the expansions up to the current one is great incentive. ) I am asking because I want to get one of my guild-mates back into playing, I was wondering if ‘Recruit A Friend’ could work on someone who has been absent for awhile.

If not I will probably still talk my friend into playing, maybe pay them a first month on a card or something, but I wanted to know, so I don’t miss out on something I could have done. Note: I thought I made this post yesterday, but I must have hit cancel instead of post. The post never showed up and isn’t in my posting history. 06:09 AMPosted by I know I could get him to start a new account, but who would want to start from the beginning? I was wondering if it could be used to bring them back on their old account, like the 'Scroll Of Resurrection' used to do, because of a long absence, not like they ran of time out every two months ago, or something like that, which is why I am guessing the 'Scroll Of Resurrection' was canceled for.

No, the RAF is only for making new accounts. They can either just pay to put time on their account or wait for the 7/10 day pass for the xpack.

I have no idea on when that'll happen, but your friend can check his/her account to see if it's there. They would need to buy legion either way, (and would get the boost) but there are many reasons someone might want to RAF. The xp bonus, grantable levels, the mount, I would totally try to get a friend to use my RAF link rather than activating their old account, maybe that makes me a bad person, maybe not, they could have several capped chars by the time the 3x leveling bonus wears off. Plus hey I get a mount, I did check how long ago the op posted and 4 days doesn't seem that long considering the topic is RAF it could take months or even a new expansion to convince old friends to come back (mine usually only come back to try new expansions before leaving again. If I can get a mount for them doing this I'm going to take it).

Resurrect A Friend Wow